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2023 Projects

AI Toolkit Checklist


Generative AI: A New Frontier for Community College Pedagogy Across Course Modalities On November 30, 2022, the release of ChatGPT reached 1 million subscribers in less than 5 days. It took Instagram 2.5 months to reach that number. Community college faculty are in a unique position to lead the way in adopting Generative AI to support student learning and success across different course modalities, including online, hybrid, and in-person courses. To aid faculty in effectively and ethically integrating Generative AI, a comprehensive Generative AI integration toolkit tailored to community colleges is presented in this paper. 

Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters
Writing down and organizing plans for to

Online Learning Checklist

This “checklist” was developed to assist faculty in evaluating their online course to ensure that the course adheres to what is required by law (some course may have certain requirements depending on organization it may be for), meets accreditation standards for online instruction, and follows best practices to achieve student success.

Guide to Online Course Assignment and Instructor Qualifications

Improving Digital Literacy Using Universal Design for Learning Resources for Designers, Developers, and Digital Content Users

Image by Hugo  Barbosa

Problem Statement

Higher education often falls short in fully integrating the principles of universal design for learning (UDL) and accessibility, which impedes digital literacy.

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