MOLLI Retreat
“Empowering Leaders and Supporting a Community of Practice in Online Education”
Schedule of Events
9:00 - 9:50 a.m.
Registration and Breakfast Networking
​9:50 - 10:00 a.m.
Dr. Shinta Hernandez, Director of MOLLI; MOLLI RP Cohort 2019; and Dean of MC Online and Academic Support (effective July 1), Montgomery College
10:00 - 10:50 a.m.
Morning Keynote Address: “Fail Forward: Innovating Higher Education
Through Curiosity, Agility, and Collaboration”
Dr. Nicole Westrick currently serves as the Assistant Vice President and Dean for the College of Interdisciplinary and Continuing Studies at Morgan State University in Baltimore, MD. Dr. Westrick is a committed lifelong learner and first generation student who earned her master’s, graduate certificate, and PhD while working full-time. Dr. Westrick holds a bachelor’s in theater and communication from University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, a master’s in public management from Carnegie Mellon University, a Skilled Facilitator graduate certificate from Johns Hopkins University, and a PhD in Media and Communication from Temple University in Philadelphia, PA.
Abstract: In the rapidly evolving landscape of higher education, online professionals—including instructional designers, faculty developers, and media specialists—are pivotal in navigating and spearheading technological and transformative change on our campuses. While it is counter to narratives about successful initiatives, you can fail forward and embrace failure (and the learning) as a catalyst for innovation. As online learning professionals, we have an opportunity to nurture change in our campus community by centering our learners and the approaches that we use to foster deep and authentic learning. This approach to transformation and innovation recognizes three key principles:
Cultivate a Culture of Curiosity and Continuous Learning by encouraging an environment where experimentation and iterative improvement are valued, and failure is viewed as a learning opportunity.
Implement Agile Methodologies by adopting flexible, responsive approaches to project management and instructional design that allow for adaptation to emerging technologies (AI and others that we can’t even imagine) and shifting student needs.
Champion Collaborative Innovation by promoting cross-functional and even cross-institutional teamwork to harness diverse perspectives and drive creative solutions.
While there is not one magic bullet or one solution that will work everywhere, this innovator framework allows you to change yourself, challenge the status quo, and ensure that our learning communities exist for generations to come.
10:50 - 11:00 a.m.
Stretch Break - Please take a moment to view the posters of Annual Team
Projects completed by the MOLLI Residential Program Cohort 2023. Posters are located at the front of the room.
11:00 - 11:50 a.m.
“Partnering for Greater Impact on Student Belongingness Online”
Dr. Jarrett Carter serves as the inaugural Associate Vice President for Integrative Learning Design at the University of Maryland Global Campus, a minority serving institution (MSI) with a worldwide enrollment of 90,000 students, primarily online. In this role, Dr. Carter has spearheaded a number of key initiatives to ensure the inclusivity of the learning experience, which includes implementing a full-scale accessibility vetting process for EdTech procurement, deploying an affordable learning resources strategy, and co-chairing the Academic Affairs DEI Working Group. Dr. Carter also represents UMGC on the MOL Board of Directors. Dr. Carter holds an Ed.D. in Educational Technology from the University of Florida, where he studied the persistence strategies of Black women in online doctoral programs. He has also earned an M.A. in Educational Technology from Adelphi University and a B.A. in Mass Communications from St. John’s University. He is a proud Gates Millenium Scholar, Ronald McNair Scholar, and member of the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society.
Student belongingness has been shown to be a key factor in student success; it yields stronger retention, better academic performance, increased persistence through challenges, and an overall more positive experience for students. While student integration and belongingness have been studied for decades, colleges and universities have more recently had to contend with the unique challenges of fostering belongingness online, especially in wake of the Covid-19 pandemic and surge of students who may enroll without ever setting foot on campus.
This, coupled with historical factors that have undermined belongingness for different student populations, lays to bare that leaders need to think different about how their institutions look at belongingness. While the online environment brings a new set of challenges, it likewise introduces a new set of tools and strategies. One thing that the research is clear on: no one unit can single handedly move the needle on student belongingness, especially online—it takes a collective effort. This session will discuss ways in which leaders can work across campus to enhance student belongingness, particularly for online students. Along the way, this presentation will likewise discuss key frameworks around belonging, online students, and change management—ultimately empowering leaders to be change agents for their institution, regardless of where they sit in the organizational chart, inclusive of faculty and staff.
11:50 - 12:00 p.m.
Pick Up Lunch
12:00 - 12:50 p.m.
Lunch Panel Plenary by Pressbooks: “Powering the Work of Online
Learning: Digital Publishing Spotlight”
A common characteristic of excellent online programs is how well they tailor information, learning experiences, and support to the needs of the multiple audiences they serve: diverse student populations, time-constrained instructors, strategy-minded administrators, and others. For many institutions, digital publishing is part of the essential infrastructure powering online learning because it adds a versatile toolset for creating, customizing, and sharing learning materials and information. This show-and-tell panel session invites leaders from three Maryland institutions to share how digital publishing, using Pressbooks, supports strategic priorities such as textbook affordability and access, pedagogical innovation, sustainability, professional learning, and more.
Moderated by Ms. Julie Curtis, Vice President, Growth and Strategy, Pressbooks
Dr. Sarah Campbell, Interim Vice President for Liberal Arts and Education, Montgomery College
Dr. Sarah Campbell serves as interim vice president for liberal arts and education at Montgomery College. She joined Montgomery College in 2008 as a faculty member in Spanish and taught all levels of Spanish on the Rockville Campus, where she also acted as world languages coordinator and as faculty liaison to the Digital Language Lab. She subsequently served as chair of the Humanities Department at the Germantown Campus and as acting collegewide dean of humanities. Dr. Campbell is active in the professional organizations of her discipline, having recently concluded a four-year term as the secretary for the Community College Special Interest Group of the American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages and serving as the founder and adviser of the Montgomery College chapter of the Sociedad Honoraria de la Lengua Española, an honor society that recognizes students at two-year colleges for excellence in their study of Spanish.​
Mr. Michael Shochet, Interim Dean of the Library, University of Baltimore
Michael Shochet is the Interim Director of RLB Library at the University of Baltimore. At the beginning of Mr. Shochet’s 25-year career in academic libraries, his work was very technology focused and included setting up and maintaining the library’s online systems. Over the past eight years, he has worked with several faculty at the University of Baltimore to help them adopt, adapt, create and co-create OER resources that were used in classes. He received a certificate in Open Educational Practices from the Open Education Network and a certificate in Servant Leadership from the Greenleaf Academy at Seton Hall. Mr. Shochet is also an affiliate faculty in the College of Arts & Sciences, having taught 3-credit classes on Information Literacy and an Interdisciplinary Studies capstone.​
12:50 - 1:00 p.m.
Stretch Break - Please take a moment to view the posters of Annual Team
Projects completed by the MOLLI Residential Program Cohort 2023. Posters are located at the front of the room.
1:00 - 1:50 p.m.
Afternoon Keynote Address: Creating a Culture of Learning while Leading Fast
Dr. Deidre Price, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs/College
Provost, Montgomery College. The senior vice president (SVP) for academic affairs/college provost leads the academic operations of Montgomery College. In this role, the SVP supports the fulfillment of the mission and the implementation of the strategic plan, while innovating teaching methods and curricula to align with the Student Success Policy. Price began her education career as an adjunct faculty member teaching English at Okaloosa-Walton Community College (later renamed Northwest Florida State College), the University of South Alabama, and Tallahassee Community College. She served as a full-time faculty member for 11 years, then transitioned to serve as director of instructional technology and online education, then dean of academic strategies, innovation, and support, and finally to vice president for academic affairs.
Today’s higher education landscape is rapidly changing in ways that demand that leaders respond to new and emerging student needs while elevating our teams to continue creating irresistible teaching environments where students love to learn. The proliferation of technologies that has diversified how we access and engage with training and education also means that we must continually update structures, practices, and deliverables in ways that cut through the noise with a clear vision for how college still has the power to change a life forever. Leading from the lens of an educator sharpens our ability to build and strengthen a culture of learning while we lead fast in times of change. This presentation shares examples of fast change and how modeling learning builds connectivity among teams and strengthens us all for the uncharted journeys ahead.
1:50 - 2:00 p.m.
Relocate to Workshop Breakout Session
2:00 - 2:50 p.m.
Leading with Authenticity: Cultivating an Environment of Academic Integrity - Room 160
Ms. Robyn Alexander, Assistant Director, Center for Learning Excellence, Howard Community College and MOLLI RP Cohort 2023​
Workshop Description: Faculty, administrators, and students are pivotal in creating an environment and culture that sustains academic integrity. During this workshop, online leaders will use case scenarios to learn about facets of academic integrity, explore strategies to integrate evidence-based practices, and troubleshoot classroom and institutional resolutions.
Robyn Alexander has been an education professional for more than 30 years. Her early career centered on organizational dynamics analyses, change management consulting, and human resource development. In the mid-1990s, Ms. Alexander completed adult learning coursework at George Washington University's School of Education & Human Development. Ms. Alexander left the workforce to raise her family, but her volunteer work and hobbies always led her back to teaching and learning initiatives. In 2018, Ms. Alexander earned an M.Ed in Instructional Technology at the University of Maryland Global Campus. She is currently the Assistant Director of the Center for Learning Excellence at Howard Community College in Columbia, MD.
Expanding Our Sense of the Possible: Cultivating Connection and Empowerment with Learner-Centered Curriculum - Room 162
Ms. Julie Curtis, Vice President, Growth and Strategy, Pressbooks
​Workshop Description: Many different “active ingredients” can produce effective learning. For diverse student populations, building a sense of connection and belonging is one of the most powerful. Learner-centered curriculum is a potent approach for helping students connect deeply to the educational experience, particularly when blended with open pedagogy techniques that elevate student voices and engage learners as information creators rather than just as information consumers. This workshop shares strategies and examples from multiple disciplines about how to re-imagine educational experiences through the lens of open, learner-centered curriculum. Explore how to find wonderfully learner-centered OER course materials and adapt them to fit your context using a digital publishing tool like Pressbooks.
Julie Curtis is VP of Growth & Strategy at Pressbooks, a position that draws on her experiences directing market intelligence, strategic partnerships, communications and marketing strategy for multiple organizations in the edtech space. She loves building teams and brands that become indispensable partners to the organizations they serve. Ms. Curtis has lifelong passions for learning and storytelling, a B.A. in English from BYU, and a Master’s degree in public policy from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government.
Leveraging Data for Informed Leadership - Room 163
Dr. Michelle Kloss, Vice President, Effectiveness, Integrity, and Accountability, Carroll Community College (effective July 8); MOL Board Vice Chair/Treasurer; MOLLI RP Cohort 2018
Presentation Description: Today’s higher education environment is replete with data. Leaders swim in a sea of reports, research, survey results, visualizations, and interactive dashboards. Through guided reflection and active discussion among participants, this workshop will explore best practices for collating, prioritizing, and analyzing data in a meaningful way to inform strategy, planning, and decision making.​
Dr. Michelle Kloss is Associate Provost of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness at Carroll Community College. In this role, she directs the College’s assessment, institutional research, curriculum, digital learning, and general education efforts, and supports faculty development and promotion. In early July, Michelle will transition to the role of Vice President of Effectiveness, Integrity, and Accountability at Carroll. Prior to joining the College in 2017, Michelle served as Assistant Dean for the College of Arts and Sciences for South University, and as Curator of the Maryland Commission on Artistic Property at the Maryland State Archives. She earned her Ph.D. in Art History and Archaeology from the University of Maryland.
2:50 - 3:00 p.m.
Refreshments Break - Please take a moment to view the posters of
Annual Team Projects completed by the MOLLI Residential Program Cohort 2023. Posters are located at the front of the room.
3:00 - 3:50 p.m.
Panel Discussion: “Leadership on AI Policy and Implementation”
Moderated by Ms. Suzette Spencer, Director of Library and Information Services, Montgomery College and MOLLI RP Cohort 2023
Dr. Michael Mills, Associate Senior Vice President for Equitable Access and Student Success (effective July 1), Montgomery College and MOL Board Chair
Dr. Cynthia E. Pascal, Associate Vice President of eLearning, NOVA Online, Northern Virginia Community College
Dr. Karen Vignare, Vice President of Digital Transformation for Student Success, Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities
3:50 - 4:00 p.m.
Closing Remarks and Next Steps
Dr. Shinta Hernandez, Retreat Emcee